COVID, Influenza, Strep and More...

COVID numbers continue to be on the rise at VGE. If your child is absent due to illness, you MUST call the school office to report their absence EACH day they are out to avoid excessive unexcused absences. (IF OUR NURSE SENDS YOUR CHILD HOME TO QUARANTINE, THESE ABSENCES ARE EXCUSED AND YOU DO NOT NEED TO CALL IN EACH DAY.) Current guidelines for schools call for students exposed to a positive (more than 15 minutes a day) without a mask, should be quarantined. Because of this, we are limiting contact tracing to primarily lunch (where students are without masks while eating).

It is vitally important that ALL STUDENTS and STAFF remain masked during the instructional day. Please be sure your student comes to school with a mask DAILY. PLEASE do your part in reminding your child of the proper way to wear it. Keeping our students and staff healthy and IN school takes all of us!
